How lovely is this doorway.


“How lovely is this doorway? Can we take it with us?”

  • Kim Simpson, Volunteer and Community Coordinator, Lower Hunter Sector


A former main entrance to Maitland Hospital (Kim Simpson)

Kim Simpson sent the above message and this photo of the entrance between the 1849 and 1905 buildings on the Maitland Hospital site. At one stage, this was the main entrance to the hospital.

Kim’s email set me thinking about the amazing architectural features from different eras scattered throughout the hospital, and about the ways in which they have been adapted, used, hidden, joined and sometimes closed in order to accommodate a growing and diversifying hospital. These features evoke change, elegance, make-do, neglect, ingenuity. They are also reminders of the site as a jigsaw of buildings from different eras.

Below is a small selection of the features and views that highlight different architectural styles alongside adaptive reuse and the joining of spaces and buildings.


Photographs by Catharine Neilson and Janis Wilton, 2019 to 2020.


Drawing memories.


Enclosed in a gilt frame.