Did we really look like this?
Hospital staff in the hospital revue ‘Goldfinger’, c1979.
From left to right: David Roberts-Thomson, Carol Foote, Michael Griffiths and his sister Kate (on the trolley), unknown , Keith Howard, Ann Grace, unknown, and John Clarke.
Published in Campbell’s Hill News: Newsletter of the Maitland Hospital, 18th Issue, July 1986.
(Maitland Hospital Collection 416)
Keith Howard, paediatrician at Maitland Hospital from 1979 to 2014, recalls:
The CEO of the hospital at that time was Ron Pickett, who had an interest in live theatre. He produced a series of annual revues performed in the town hall. These involved staff from every part and department of the hospital. The experience of performing on stage in front of several hundred people and exposing the limits of one’s theatrical talents proved a great leveller. More importantly, it helped communication and understanding of the challenges involved in co-ordinating the best possible care between what was still a relatively small number of staff.
Ron Pickett performing in one of his revues.
(Maitland Hospital Collection 165.182)
Jennifer O’Neill identified the two women on the left of the photograph. The first is her second cousin Peggy O’Neill (now Parsons) and the second is her younger sister June O’Neill (now Thoren).
Maitland Mercury, 8 January 1981.
(Maitland Hospital Collection 280)
Maitland Mercury, early 1980s.
(Maitland Hospital Collection 280)
First entered: 10 July 2021
Updated: 28 December 2022